Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finn the Leapling

The birth of my friends Josh and Signe's first child is being induced tomorrow at 7 am at LICH. I knew their Finn would be as unique as his parents are, but nothing like starting it right by giving him a birthday that comes only once every 4 years. I'm told that babies born on Feb 29th are called "leaplings." He's two days late, much to Signe's chagrin and best attempts at scheduling. She's a freelance writer on many deadlines, and only 2 weeks sans work were allotted for his birth and her initiation into motherhood. (HAHAHAHA)

Signe wrote me this week to give an update on her progress, wondering what she should do with the couple days she had left before her son arrives. I suggested that if she felt up for it, she do whatever she WON'T be able to do for the next, oh, ten years or so -- watch movies in silence, disappear for a couple hours without telling anyone where she was, etc. She responded with "OK, I'm off to the bar and strip club then!" I think she was kidding.

Sure must be odd to try to sleep knowing you'll give birth tomorrow. Am actually looking forward to a joyous hospital visit on Saturday.

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